What would happen if the Romanian and Ukrainian ethnic groups were united?
We believe that there will be an emotional explosion. The song consists of a combination of the Romanian folk song Purtata fetelor de la Căpâlna and the Ukrainian lullaby Lullaby.
The former is a Romanian traditional processional choral dance originating from the village of Chapalna, Alba County, Transylvania. Traditionally, this dance is performed by unmarried young girls, singing and walking in a line. Sometimes they line up in an arc, following the first dancer. They all move in counterclockwise steps to the music.
And while the plot of the Romanian song focuses on the love line and is a woman’s declaration of love, the Ukrainian folk song “Lullaby” is a mother’s lullaby for her child, which seems to continue the story of a woman’s life cycle. This lullaby celebrates the nature of the Danube, which flows through both Romania and Ukraine.